18 fevereiro 2012

Just a memory

It´s hard to believe that i've lost you
I think about you like you're my entire world yet
I still live for you and i shouldn´t
I still haven´t realized that those hugs were gone
Those kisses were gone
Those messages and phone calls were gone
Everything were gone and i'm felling lost
But you know what? I'm better than ever.
The tears i cried for you are dried
and i don´t have any regrets of them
Did you remember those moments we spent together?
They didn´t disapear, they still in my memory
and they will never go away, because: people didn´t disapper of your life,
they become less important.

01 fevereiro 2012

Be you and only you

Every person born for a reason. No one are in this world for no reason. It's gotta to be for something, for someone, for a moment or to make a difference in this strange and controverse world. It's not a problem if you are different from the people around you. Every person is unique, every person has a style and a way to live. You have to follow your instinct and your hunches. It doesn´t matter if you are boy or girl, blond or brunet, black or white, asian or european, straight or bissexual, you have to believe that you're special and you have to enforce it. Every person has a natural shine and a natural beauty, inside and out. Don´t judge yourself based by opinion's from the others. They don´t know you, don´t let them judge you in that way. Don´t try to be someone that you aren´t. Live like you are and then you realize that you're better than you think.